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About this new awareness day

Our origin story...

It's becoming widely accepted and appreciated that writing is a powerful form of self-expression, and can be invaluable in helping to process thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences. Writing for health and healing is wonderful therapy, it's free, accessible, and requires nothing more than a paper and pen at its most basic level.


Simply put, writing is good for us. And it's scientifically proven. So we want to celebrate and honour the power of writing for health and healing. 


Whether it's writing a memoir, a fictional novel, a journal or diary, a poem or a song, there are so many forms of writing for wellbeing. 



Personal background

Founder of LitPR (, Helen Lewis has been journalling for years, but it's never been more therapeutic, powerful and transformative, than over the past three years.


Through this period, she encountered many challenges and journalling, writing and talking therapy all helped her immeasurably. From her own illness and surgery, to the death of her grandmother, her beloved father's inoperable cancer diagnosis leading to his passing at the time of the first Writing for Health and Healing Day, tough work challenges as her 'own boss', and the end of a 23 year relationship, as well as running multiple businesses and a busy household as a single, sole-earning parent with two teens, writing down her feelings, making a note of what's happened that day/week, to-do lists, short poems, even bullet points of thoughts and worries, have got her through! 


Writing for Health and Healing has genuinely helped her to process the many things that have been happening in her life. So much so, that in early 2025, she completed Journalling Therapy Coaching training and is now a fully qualified Journal/Writing Therapist.


Challenges happen to everyone, at different times, but when a lot happens all at once it can feel overwhelming and exhausting. Transformation burnout is just one of the drivers behind the growing number of people turning to writing - in all its forms - to help with health and healing. Finding a respectful, healthy, easier way of reducing that pressure, writing allows us to be kind to ourselves, which is imperative during periods of hardship and challenges.




At LitPR we have the pleasure and privilege of working with many authors of fiction and non-fiction books. Their passion for their writing, and the joy of other people reading and connecting with what they've written, is infectious. Of course, writing for health and healing doesn't have to be a public practice... it can be a private act of self-care.


LitPR is proud to promote the powerful benefits of writing for health and healing - whether for public consumption or for the author's eyes only. We truly believe from both a personal and professional perspective that writing for health and healing is so important that it deserves more focus and attention.


Our goal is to celebrate writing for health and healing in all of its forms. Each year there will be a different focus. The first year, 2024, didn't go to plan as Helen lost her Dad the week before, but we plan to achieve our goals for 2024 in 2025 by celebrating all forms of writing for health and healing through a series of workshops, events, book launches. And if you'd like to create your own event for this important day, we'd love to hear from you - please subscribe via the homepage or email:

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